Cat on a Book

Everything a teacher will never say
Everything a teacher will never say
Everything a teacher will never say
Everything a teacher will never say

Everything a teacher will never say

Original title : Tout ce qu’une maîtresse ne dira jamais
Publisher : L'Elan Vert
Collection : Pepper & Co. - Everything...
Author : Noé Carlain
Illustrator/Photographer : Ronan Badel
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
230 x 230 mm
12.20 €

Content : The crème de la crème of school nonsense! Everything's turned upside down.
The teacher has fallen on her head, and the students are in for a real surprise!

It's off to school for a marathon of mischief!
The great classics are wonderfully staged by Ronan Badel: “Copy your neighbour ” shows the whole class gathered around a jaded boy with glasses; in “Paint directly on the table”, the teacher finishes screwing the last painted table to the classroom wall. The children's faces, the smiling teacher's eyes wide with admiration for the unruly pupils and the first-rate dunces...
Just happiness!!!!

Rights sold: Chinese, English (US), Italian.

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