Cat on a Book

I Help my Child to Break Away from the Screens
I Help my Child to Break Away from the Screens
I Help my Child to Break Away from the Screens
I Help my Child to Break Away from the Screens

I Help my Child to Break Away from the Screens

Original title : J'aide mon enfant à se détacher des écrans
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Zen Parents
Author : Natacha Didier
Illustrator/Photographer : Adejie
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 224
160 x 210 mm
7.95 €

Content : Is your child addicted to screens in all their forms? It is impossible to detach him/her without drama or blackmail and yet you would like him/her to change his/her center of interest so much ...
It is difficult when you are a parent to take time to reflect and make the right decisions. Busy days do not leave the time to tackle this problem head-on.
Never mind, you have in your hands THE book that will give you all the solutions to regulate your child's screen consumption and bring a little more interaction and authenticity into the home.

Natacha Didier's - creator of The Limit Box - short and clear explanations will help you better understand your child's needs and attraction for screens.
The 50 games, tips and activities will help children to gradually better regulate their use of screens, to make the most of them while turning to other healthy activities that will benefit their development.

Breathe, open this book and find serenity!

Rights sold: Arabic, Romanian.

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