Cat on a Book

I Take Care of Nature
I Take Care of Nature
I Take Care of Nature
I Take Care of Nature

I Take Care of Nature

Original title : Je prends soin de la nature
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : My Little Well-Being Workshops
Author : Frédérique Corre Montagu
Illustrator/Photographer : Aurélia-Stéphanie Bertrand
Age : 6+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 64
220 x 280 mm
8.95 €

Content : 60 activities and tips to protect nature and connect with it!
Nature lives in your garden, in your street, and even in your room. It is water, air, animals... and so many other things that are essential to life and bring us joy. We need nature and today it needs us! With this notebook, help the birds, reduce your waste, make a seed bomb or escape on a soothing walk in the forest. Are you ready to observe nature, discover its treasures and protect it?

With :
• Useful information to understand the secrets of the environment and become a real observer-actor!
• A variety of tips and crafts for little ecologists!
• Relaxation activities to recharge your batteries in contact with nature.
• A wheel to cut in order to cook super tasty seasonal meals.

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