Cat on a Book

My First Montessori Readings
My First Montessori Readings
My First Montessori Readings
My First Montessori Readings
My First Montessori Readings

My First Montessori Readings

Original title : Premières lectures autonomes Montessori
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : My First Montessori Readings
Author : Sylvie d'Esclaibes and Noémie d'Esclaibes
Illustrator/Photographer : Stéphanie Rubini
Age : 5 to 7 year-old
Category : Novels 6-7+
Format : Paperback
Pages : Levels 1&2: 24 pages
130 x 190 mm
3.95 €

Content : A series to awaken and learn to read with the Montessori pedagogy. Each level takes into account the child's progress and helps him/her gain self-confidence and autonomy.
A series sold at low price (3.95 €) and imagined especially for schools.
A total of 28 titles available.