Cat on a Book

Kim and Tom are Doing Shopping
Kim and Tom are Doing Shopping
Kim and Tom are Doing Shopping

Kim and Tom are Doing Shopping

Original title : Kim et Tom font des courses
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : I Calculate Step by Step
Author : Isabelle Chavigny
Illustrator/Photographer : Alice Turquois
Age : 5+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 24
130 x 190 mm
2.95 €

Content : This is the first time that Tom goes shopping without his parents. Kim accompanies him to the mini market. Sharing the shopping, choosing the vegetables, weighing them, calculating the prices, it's fun. Except when you lose a coin when it is time to pay!

Learning math step by step is easy with the adventures of Kim and Tom! These novels offer different levels of difficulty to start learning mathematics and progress step by step.

This book is a level 1 (on 4).

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