Cat on a Book

I am Helping my Child to Eat Everything
I am Helping my Child to Eat Everything

I am Helping my Child to Eat Everything

Original title : J'aide mon enfant à manger de tout
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Our Children are Extraordinary
Author : Ludovic Delannoy
Illustrator/Photographer : Aurélia Bertrand
Category : Parenting
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 128
172 x 228 mm
12.90 €

Content : Have you noticed that your child is having difficulties eating? Meal time is for him/her (as for you) a source of worry, stress and he/she is often reluctant to taste new ingredients? Maybe you have even thought about having him/her see a specialist. Whether the latter has diagnosed oral disorders or has been more reassuring, you want to accompany your child to guide him/her gently.

This activity book will help you help your child! Developed by an occupational therapist specializing in oral disorders, this book gives you all the information, tips and activities to set up playful and joyful times at home that will complement learning during meals, or sessions with a specialist.
. All the notions explained simply to understand food neophobia;
. A progressive approach through daily activities to support your child;
. 34 simple and fun games to make meals easier and help your child overcome the mental blocks.

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