Cat on a Book

The Ultimate Bible of Lace Style
The Ultimate Bible of Lace Style
The Ultimate Bible of Lace Style
The Ultimate Bible of Lace Style
The Ultimate Bible of Lace Style

The Ultimate Bible of Lace Style

Original title : La Guipure du Puy - Bases et Perfectionnement
Collection : Lace
Author : Nathalie Hubert, Mick Fouriscot
Category : Craft
Format : Flexi-bound
Pages : 144
210 x 270 mm
28.50 €

Content : This guide has basic and advanced projects for lace style « la Guipure de Puy ».
The guipure is a rustic embroidery with elevations and volume textures. In the 19th century the lace makers from the Puy region used this technique and adopted it in the fashion industry. The name “guipure du Puy” means a special handmade lace with black silk threads.
For the first time you can discover unexplored projects made in colour in order to honour the tradition which is constantly evolving.
Discover the basics like «point d’esprit», «grain d’orge», «point de pied», …
Go fourth on with other projects easily explainded.
All projects have been made under the observation of the “centre d’Enseignement de la Dentelle au Fuseau du Puy-en-Velay”.

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