Cat on a Book

Different, But not so Much!
Different, But not so Much!
Different, But not so Much!
Different, But not so Much!

Different, But not so Much!

Original title : Différents mais pas tellement !
Publisher : Plumes de Bourdon
Collection : Children's Words
Author : Eugénie Simon-Jacquet
Illustrator/Photographer : Yen Abis
Age : 5+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
220 x 270 mm
16.00 €

Content : What if the difference was a chance, a treasure chest filled with precious stones to share with others?
Noe and Tom, two young boys who are complete opposites, take turns telling the particularities of each other's lives. Then, one day, "BOOMMM" a trivial situation upsets all their beliefs: they are different, but not so much in the end. A story with two very different voices that end up resonating in unison!
At the end of the book there are two documentary pages on the difference, in order to start a discussion with your children.

This book is supported by LICRA, one of the oldest associations campaigning worldwide against racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination.

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