Cat on a Book

You are a Boy and I am a Girl

You are a Boy and I am a Girl

Original title : Toi garçon, Moi fille !
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Citizen in the Making
Author : Sylvie Girardet
Illustrator/Photographer : Fernando Puig-Rosado
Age : 6-9
Format : Paperback
Pages : 72
150 x 210 mm
7.20 €

Content : Zartan and Jeanne, the cats and the mice, the frog and the toad, the hardworking ants and the inseparable birds invite us to reflect on the similarities and differences between boys and girls, on their games and their hobbies, puberty, the place of men and women in society but also on... love.

An opportunity for young and old, girls or boys, to discuss and live better together.

Rights sold: Chinese.

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