Cat on a Book

Bags to Crochet
Bags to Crochet
Bags to Crochet

Bags to Crochet

Original title : Sacs au crochet
Collection : Crochet
Author : Bernadette Baldelli
Category : Craft
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 96
205 x 255 mm
18.50 €

Content : Bernadette Baldelli – famous knitting technician - offers readers a collection of very simple bags to crochet since they mainly use the basic stitches and are made without having to sew.
It is the arrangement of these simple stiches which makes it possible to obtain weaving, netting, or 3D effects, etc. while remaining feasible for everyone.

Tote bag, evening bag, sports bag, fishnet bag, pouch… this collection comes in 4 themes: Classic, Ethnic, Gipsy, City.

For each model find the detailed explanations row per row along with diagrams and the explanations of the linings.

• The technique of crochet bags made available to everyone
• Detailed explanations coupled with diagrams to guide readers step by step
• 4 themes for all tastes and situations

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