Cat on a Book

V3: Spring
V3: Spring
V3: Spring
V3: Spring

V3: Spring

Original title : T3 : Printemps
Publisher : Lumignon
Collection : One Season with the Witches
Author : Anaïs Goldemberg
Illustrator/Photographer : Anaïs Goldemberg
Age : 8+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 72
170 x 240 mm
15 €

Content : The forest is a sad place in this early spring. Not a single bud is growing, the rain is pouring down without stopping and there are no birds singing in the trees. Luckily, the wackiest witches are there to liven things up a bit!

But with all the forest animals under their protection, a monster to cure and strange apparitions disrupting their daily lives, the witches have their work cut out for them.

All that is missing is a catastrophe...

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