Cat on a Book

The Topsy-Turvy Wood
The Topsy-Turvy Wood
The Topsy-Turvy Wood

The Topsy-Turvy Wood

Original title : Le bois sans dessus dessous
Publisher : Lumignon
Collection : The Gourmet Tales
Author : Clémentine Ferry
Illustrator/Photographer : Sanoe
Age : 7+
Category : ! NEW !, Tales
Format : Paperback
Pages : 96
160 x 230 mm
15 €

Content : This book contains ten tales about animals living in a very special forest. It should come as no surprise that a dormouse runs a travelling tea shop, a female hedgehog collects teapots and a frog makes tea bags! Would it?

And yet, these strange inhabitants are living out great everyday adventures that touch us very closely: overcoming shyness, overcoming prejudice, dealing with bereavement, demonstrating tenacity...

All told with the elegant and subtle pen of Clémentine Ferry and illustrated by the beautiful, soft and funny images of Sanoe.

A full-colour central notebook takes you behind the scenes of the wood.

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