Cat on a Book

The Wrath of the Kraken
The Wrath of the Kraken
The Wrath of the Kraken

The Wrath of the Kraken

Original title : La colère du Kraken
Publisher : La poule qui pond
Collection : Adventure Novels
Author : Sandra Le Guen
Illustrator/Photographer : Stéphane Nicolet
Age : 6+
Category : ! NEW !, Novels 6-7+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 48
140 x 185 mm
8.00 €

Content : Sea monster, ecology and mutual aid are at the center of this new adventure from the “Adventure Novels" collection.

At the beach, pollution awakens the wrath of the kraken. Tim and Louise must clean up the sea to appease the monster.
A book with many twists and turns that makes children want to see to the end of the story.

A collection for developing the imagination, with heroes children can identify with.

An adventure to discover for all readers, whether learning to read or dyslexic readers, thanks to the syllabication method (not compulsory).

The collection:
The “Adventure Novels” collection: first reading novels full of action and twists. Each novel follows a pair of children who face imminent danger. Thanks to their intelligence, their courage and their audacity, they will manage to defeat strange animals, creatures, face natural phenomena and dangers.

In the same collection :