Cat on a Book

Little Panda
Little Panda
Little Panda

Little Panda

Original title : Petit panda
Publisher : La poule qui pond
Collection : The Little Ones
Author : Julie Lardon
Illustrator/Photographer : Fabienne Cinquin
Age : 1+
Category : ! NEW !, Board books
Format : Board book with round corners
Pages : 18
170 x 170 mm
10.00 €

Content : Following the success of previous titles, discover the new character in the “Little Ones” collection: Little Panda!

Witness an adventurous day in the life of Little Panda!

Playing, running, climbing: Little Panda is having adventures. But be careful not to get hurt, little one. Fortunately, Mummy is never far away.

Key Points:
- A cute little panda.
- The awakening of a panda that echoes the first experiences of toddlers.
- Text suitable for reading from birth.
- A board book about discovering the outside world.
- An adventure that ends with a kiss.

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