Cat on a Book

My First Imagery Book about Brittany
My First Imagery Book about Brittany
My First Imagery Book about Brittany
My First Imagery Book about Brittany

My First Imagery Book about Brittany

Original title : Mon premier imagier de Bretagne
Publisher : Akinomé
Collection : Imagery Books
Author : Morgane Boullier
Illustrator/Photographer : Morgane Boullier
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 48
190 x 190 mm
13.50 €

Content : Following My first Imagery Book about Japan, Morgane Boullier, who left Tokyo and relocated to Brittany, France, takes us on a journey to visit her region.

Through 23 magnificent sumi-e paintings, readers discover all the symbols of Brittany, written in French and Breton, with phonetic pronunciation (possible to adapt the languages).
While living in Japan, Morgane followed for several years the teaching of a Japanese master in “sumi-e”. She introduces into this technique colors: tinted ink (red, yellow, blue) always with parsimony and a great sense of purity.
A particular attention is given to the production, in regards to paper and binding.

This book will appeal to young and old alike, who want to discover one of France's most beautiful regions.

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