Cat on a Book

My Big Imagery Book With Animals
My Big Imagery Book With Animals
My Big Imagery Book With Animals

My Big Imagery Book With Animals

Original title : Mon grand imagier des animaux
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Big Imagery Books to Play With
Author : Stéphanie Rubini
Illustrator/Photographer : Stéphanie Rubini
Age : 1+
Category : ! NEW !, Board books
Format : Board book with rounds corners
Pages : 40
220 x 220 mm
16.95 €

Content : Welcome to the animal kingdom! Here, toddlers can play with their hands to learn words. Show the way to the rabbit, stroke the dog... There is a lot to do ! What will baby start with?

A large picture book to discover over 90 animals from around the world, wonderfully illustrated by Stéphanie Rubini.
There are 8 different biomes to explore, interactive games and “Search and Find" to encourage baby to touch, show and recognize the animals. At the end, toddlers will find extraordinary creatures to develop their imagination.

A book to have fun, grow up and dream!

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