Cat on a Book

Study Planners for DYS children 5th & 6th grades

Study Planners for DYS children 5th & 6th grades

Original title : Agenda DYS primaire - CM1 CM2
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Planners / Organizers
Author : Françoise Chée
Age : 9 to 11
Category : ! NEW !, Educational
Format : Paperback
Pages : 320
140 x 180 mm
12.90 €

Content : These study planners were designed by Florence Chée, founder of @astuces pour dys (tips for DYS), a specialist in all DYS disorders. They are designed for children who find it difficult to organize themselves, for whom graphics are still complicated or who have learning difficulties.
They are clear and adapted planners: only one day per page, to leave enough space for homework notes; the Open Dyslexic font for easier reading; a yellow background under the spaces to be filled in, to limit visual fatigue for the child.
They also contain organizational tips: thematic advice sheets at the beginning of the book, to help children get back to school with peace of mind; note slots throughout the pages, to help children create their own little daily memos.
The little extra: personalized covers to help children make the diary their own, and use it with ease and pleasure.

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