Cat on a Book

Floss Kingdom’s Dynasty 2 - Sarina

Floss Kingdom’s Dynasty 2 - Sarina

Original title : La dynastie du royaume de Floss - Tome 2 : Sarina
Publisher : MAGE Editions
Collection : Floss Kingdom’s Dynasty
Author : Margot Aguerre
Age : 13+ / YA
Category : Young Adults
Format : Paperback
Pages : 556
148 x 210 mm
16 €

Content : Kahena established a fragile peace on her lands, but between political games and plots, the country is on the verge of a new conflict. Veinar's shadow still hangs over the kingdom. Has the Queen of Floss really won the war?
Helped by mysterious strangers, Princess Sarina discovers her own hidden face. Will she follow her mother's path? Between a tortured past and an indeterminate future, will Sarina fall for this man with a changing heart that she met? Hopes, treasons and revelations are the key words of this second volume, bringing readers deeper into the secrets of the Floss Kingdom's Dynasty.

Sarina is the second volume of the heroic fantasy trilogy « Floss Kingdom’s Dynasty ».

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