Content : Little Leon is off to New York! He discovers the fabulous megalopolis known as the Big Apple: Broadway, Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn... So many mythical places to marvel at in the company of the little chameleon!
Leon, the hero of the Mini Leon collection, interacts in an original and fun way with thirteen works of art from different eras and cultures. Each interaction is highlighted by a sentence in French and English. With paintings by: Georgia o'Keeffe, Butera, Mirella Müller, Warhol, Judy Joel, Barrow, Wyne, Hopper, etc.
About the series:
Art, English and Fun, a vitamin-packed cocktail!
Leon is the young reader's companion: alternating humour, courage and reverie, he plays with Art in a most inventive way. Each book explores a theme through 13 works of Art from various artists, eras and cultures. A sentence in both French and English emphasizes the interaction on each page. At the end of the book there is a documented double-page and ideas of activities.