Cat on a Book

The First Christmas
The First Christmas
The First Christmas

The First Christmas

Original title : Le premier Noël
Publisher : MAGE Editions
Collection : Good Night Fairy Tales
Author : Margot Aguerre
Illustrator/Photographer : Sarah Feruglio
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 34
210 x 210 mm
13 €

Content : Christmas is a very lively boy. He lives in Rovaniemi with his friends. But adults have decided that children cannot have fun anymore… Christmas will do everything to wake up the inhabitants’ child at heart.
For the French version, Opendys font was used for the text, to ease reading for all children. Spaces between the words and the lines are larger than usual, to make reading comfortable to everyone. Difficult words are in colours to recognize them more easily.

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