Cat on a Book

Yoga Thinking as a Family

Yoga Thinking as a Family

Original title : La pensée yoga en famille
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - The Happiness Lab'
Author : Laurence Pinsard
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 64
165 x 218 mm
6.90 €

Content : A thousand-year-old discipline and yet very contemporary, Yoga generates undeniable benefits for the body and the mind. But it also has a “little something”, that makes all the difference regarding the soul. Because, much more than a simple physical practice, Yoga is a true philosophy of life which could well change the reader’s!

As beneficial for children as for adults, this book offers:
Insights into the pillars of the Yoga philosophy;
An illustrated initiatory tale for children;
A variety of application games to play with the family;
Lists of tips and tricks to soothe the emotions and regain bodily well-being.

The toolbox that makes the whole family happy!