Cat on a Book

100 Sensory Activities with my Child
100 Sensory Activities with my Child
100 Sensory Activities with my Child

100 Sensory Activities with my Child

Original title : 100 activités sensorielles avec mon enfant 0-6 ans
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Early Learning Workshops
Author : Noémie and Sylvie d'Esclaibes
Category : Parenting
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 224
162 x 210 mm
12.90 €

Content : Until the age of 6, children discover the world through their senses. The sharper they are, the better will be their apprehension and understanding of the world. A child with awakened senses is more likely to appreciate the beauty of nature, a beautiful painting or harmonious music. As he grows up, he will not need to resort to artificial consumption to feel emotions, because he will be able to find them in his environment.
It is therefore fundamental to offer young children activities that will allow them to refine their senses and this book will allow you to do so thanks to more than 100 playful and progressive activities, and without any expensive equipment necessary.
• Step-by-step guided activities, illustrated with clear and educational photos.
• Acquisitions favored for each activity in order to orient oneself according to the context, desires and needs of the moment.
• Tips and tricks for prolonging certain activities depending on the child's age and appetites.

A complete toolbox to awaken children from 2 to 6 years old, promote their development and strengthen their self-confidence.

Rights sold: Romanian.

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