Cat on a Book

Hearts Office
Hearts Office
Hearts Office

Hearts Office

Original title : Bureau des cœurs
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Me, Suzanne
Author : Gérard Moncomble
Illustrator/Photographer : Frédéric Pillot
Age : 10+
Category : Novels 8-11+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 144
145 x 210 mm
10.95 €

Content : Suzanne is really bored by the garage sale organized by her parents this Sunday… She
pulls out her crystal ball and proclaims herself an extra-lucid clairvoyant at €1 the prediction!
Suddenly, Suzanne sees her best friend Apolline appear as one of her clients. Apolline
asks her if Hugo is in love with her. And what if Suzanne was right with her prediction?