Cat on a Book

The Day of Mischief
The Day of Mischief
The Day of Mischief

The Day of Mischief

Original title : Le jour des bêtises
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : The Estate of Friends
Author : Christine Palluy
Illustrator/Photographer : Mathilde George
Age : 6+
Category : Novels 6-7+
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 32
140 x 190 mm
5.20 €

Content : Raoul is never short of ideas when it comes to making up the worst nonsense! It is time for Mr. Plon to take Raoul to the groomer, his dog is really dirty! But Raoul hates being clean ... As soon as it has been cleaned, he goes off to have fun: chase the neighborhood cat, roll in the mud, eat sausages in a trash can ... In short, it is the perfect day for mischief!

Welcome to the Estate of Friends, a multi-level series. 4 levels of readings, following the children’s progresses.
This book is a level 1.

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