Content : Inspired by Japan, this story takes place in a fishermen village. There, we meet our heroes: Izumi and his son Okito. Every day, Izumi brings back a few precious fish at home. These extraordinary fish are golden; they are called “Takara”. Following a storm, Izumi discovers a miraculous cove. It is the beginning of an overfishing time that causes little by little the disappearance of the ocean floor, fauna and flora both. A few years later, the aging hero starts to feel regretful and lives alone near the cove. Each and every day during long years, he cleans it, until the day his son dive into the sea and discovers starfish, blond seaweeds and his dear golden fish finally back!
DIY activities at the end of the book with instructions to create koinoburi (garland of flying carps).
Several colourful paper sheets available.