Cat on a Book

A Boat at Sea
A Boat at Sea
A Boat at Sea
A Boat at Sea

A Boat at Sea

Original title : Un Bateau à la Mer
Publisher : Plumes de Bourdon
Collection : Nature
Author : Nanoux
Illustrator/Photographer : Lucie Dessertine
Age : 5+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
220 x 270 mm
16.00 €

Content : Elio and Lison, two intrepid children discover an old sailing ship emerging at low tide. A boat covered in bleached corals, sent by a mermaid like a bottle in the sea. Helped by their grandpa, lighthouse keeper and protector of the oceans, they will set sail and brave the waves in order to help the mermaid save her world.
With two documentary pages on what corals are and what we can do to protect them.
This book is supported by IFREMER (the French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea) which studies the oceans in order to better protect them, or even restore them.

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