Content : Sleep is the crucial question that accompanies the birth of a baby: when, finally, will he sleep? However, the subject is not limited to the number of hours that baby will do in a row; they are actually multiple and change over time, which makes the subject complex and sensitive.
Juliette Moudoulaud, is a certified sleep consultant and creator of the Fée de Beaux rêves parental support platform. She addresses all questions related to children's sleep, from birth to the age of 2: nap, quality of sleep, autonomy in falling asleep, rituals, nocturnal awakenings...
Find in this book 127 questions classified into 8 main themes: General questions, Good habits to adopt from the moment a baby is born, Daytime rhythm, Equipment and environment, Bedtime, Nocturnal awakenings, Health and special conditions, Environmental changes and sleep regressions.
With guilt-relieving answers, precise and adaptable to each child to guide him on the path to a restorative and independent sleep.