Cat on a Book

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Original title : L'intelligence artificielle
Publisher : La poule qui pond
Collection : Future Worlds Documentaries
Author : Julie Lardon
Illustrator/Photographer : Agathe Robinson
Age : 9+
Category : Documentaries
Format : Paperback cover with flaps
Pages : 88
200 x 260 mm
15.00 €

Content : The "Future Worlds" collection keeps a simple and accessible writing style for children and above all, a taste for illustration, highlighted throughout the book.
This illustrated documentary book on Artificial Intelligence completes a collection that depicts the major issues of our century. It is divided into several chapters from the birth of the machine to our current society which, it would seem, can no longer live without the machine. And it raises questions: is the machine smarter than the man? Can artificial intelligence replace humans? Hasn't it already?
So many questions that will be answered in this book.

Developed by a journalist from the “Albert” newspaper, "Future Worlds" is a series of illustrated documentaries which focuses on the important themes children can see in the 21st century news. Each book helps them understand and grasp all the issues at stake.

This book is nominated for the Roberbal award 2023! Result in a few weeks...

Rights of the series sold: Korean, Romanian, Vietnamese.

In the same collection :