Cat on a Book

Panic in the Nature

Panic in the Nature

Original title : Panique dans la nature
Publisher : La poule qui pond
Author : Valentin Mathé
Age : 6+
Category : Novels 6-7+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 64
148 x 210 mm
8.00 €

Content : This book is a collection of theater play to read or play, in class or with the family. Inside, readers will find several small scenes: a complete play in one act and a large play in five acts.

Panic in the Nature - a play in 5 acts - recounts the adventures of three children who discover a lion cub lost in nature.

The tarantula - a one-act play - offers a moment of misunderstanding and humor between three poachers.

Full of situational humor and misunderstandings, these scenes and plays are perfect for a theater activity with children.

A word about the author: After studying computer science and a few years as a web engineer, Valentin Mathé participated in 2014 in the creation of the children’s books publishing house “La Poule Qui Pond” in Clermont-Ferrand, France. The same year, he signed his first picture book for children: The Little Monster of the Dark. He is also the author of several theater plays.

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