Cat on a Book

Learning How to Play Chess in Class
Learning How to Play Chess in Class
Learning How to Play Chess in Class
Learning How to Play Chess in Class

Learning How to Play Chess in Class

Original title : Apprendre à jouer aux échecs en classe
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : How to Teach
Author : Marie Bolle-Besançon, Matthieu Rollin
Illustrator/Photographer : Elodie Bonnefoy-Cudraz
Format : Paperback
Pages : 160
209 mm x 297 mm
26.00 €

Content : A book imagined for teachers with 38 guided sessions.

From kindergarten, with sessions designed for non-reading pupils, through to the beginning of high school with a fun approach, integrate chess into teaching. A powerful, inclusive tool for working on core skills and developing psychosocial competencies.

The book contains:
- A gradual discovery of the game of chess to guide the whole class in mastering the game.
- Structured, differentiated sessions for all levels
- Fun activities to work on language, mathematical and psychosocial skills.
- Organised in 4 parts
- Introduction to chess for 3 different levels
- Further study for all pupils
- Sequences for reading, arithmetic, physical education and visual arts to encourage interdisciplinarity.

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