Cat on a Book



Original title : Robots
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Object Story
Author : Suzanne Bogeat
Illustrator/Photographer : Floriane Ricard
Age : 7+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
200 x 270 mm
14.50 €

Content : From medieval automata to 19th and 20th century programmed machine tools, people have always invented ways to simplify their lives. Robots gradually replaced humans in factories. Now capable of reacting to unexpected events, they are present in hospitals and schools, thus changing our lives. They impress, fascinate, and above all question the way we live.

About the series:
Some objects are the same throughout the world but the way we use them or the meaning we give them is different according to the countries, the times, the cultures. Telling the story of these objects is also telling our life and the society in which we live.
Non-fiction to read as a story, illustrated like a picture book, to look at the world through a familiar object.

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