Content : Sleep is the crucial question that accompanies baby's birth: when, at last, will he sleep through the night? However, the subject is not limited to the number of hours baby will sleep in a row; in reality, they are multiple and evolve over time, making the subject complex and sensitive.
Juliette Moudoulaud, certified sleep consultant and creator of the parental support platform “Fée de Beaux rêves”, tackles all aspects of a child's sleep, from birth to age 2: naps, sleep quality, autonomy in falling asleep, waking up at night...
Find 127 tips and rituals classified into 8 major themes:
general and psychological questions ;
good habits to adopt from the moment baby is born ;
daytime rhythm ;
equipment and environment ;
bedtime ;
waking up at night ;
health and special conditions;
changes in environment and sleep regression.
A companion book that will provide parents with precise, guilt-free solutions that can be adapted to each child, guiding him or her on the path to autonomous, recuperative sleep.