Cat on a Book

Paul and Albin
Paul and Albin
Paul and Albin
Paul and Albin

Paul and Albin

Original title : Paul et Albin
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Kapoche - Short illustrated novels
Author : Arnaud Tiercelin
Illustrator/Photographer : Marion Brand
Age : 6/7+
Category : Novels 6-7+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 448
140 x 180 mm
8.50 €

Content : Paul and Albin are twins. Tomorrow is their first day at a new school: everything has to be started over. Because Paul is mute: he only speaks to his mother, his brother and his two friends, Leo and Anita. So when some pupils call Paul an idiot, Albin - who is always ready to do anything to protect his brother - gets very angry.

About: twins, selective mutism

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