Cat on a Book

Livio, Hyperhero
Livio, Hyperhero
Livio, Hyperhero

Livio, Hyperhero

Original title : Livio, Hyperhéros
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Kapoche - Short illustrated novels
Author : Marie Lenne-Fouquet
Illustrator/Photographer : Lisa Blumen
Age : 6/7+
Category : Novels 6-7+
Format : Paperback
Pages : 48
140 x 180 mm
8.50 €

Content : Hyper agile, hyperactive, and sometimes hyper painful, Livio never knows when to stop, ever. So that he wears out the teachers as much as the chair in the director’s office, and sometimes also his friends. But his learning and social difficulties hide incredible sensitivity and courage. For when his friend Milo is stuck in the cabin he built with his father up in the garden tree, shaken by the storm, Livio does not hesitate for a second: he climbs up the ladder to go and help his friend get safely back to the ground.

About: hyperactivity, attention deficit, courage

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