Cat on a Book

In My Cardboard Box
In My Cardboard Box
In My Cardboard Box

In My Cardboard Box

Original title : Dans ma boîte en carton
Collection : A Sunday Afternoon with the Family
Author : Myriam Bendhif-Syllas
Illustrator/Photographer : Camille Nicolazzi
Age : 4+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 32
215 x 215 mm
12.90 €

Content : One day, the postman puts a package in the mailbox. What if this box became a treasure box?
That is what Louis says to himself when he seize it.
Thanks to his box, with it, he invents numerous adventures and he:
- learns to count with his sister Léa,
- becomes a superhero,
- learn about ecology,
- plays with his cuddly toys,
- develop his imagination...
What if we used this simple cardboard to create masks, a story box?

After teaching French for 20 years, Myriam Bendhif-Syllas devotes herself to writing and to the study of the intuitive perceptions of consciousness. As a children's author, she worked with Le buveur d'encre and Lanore editions.

Youth illustrator, based in Nantes, Camille Nicolazzi works with many publishers: Le buveur d'encre, La Cabane Bleue, Bilboquet, Cipango. She excels with her brushes and her watercolor box as with her ballpoint pen with which she signs this picture book.

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