Cat on a Book

Customizable Organizer of the Teachers in Sneakers 2023-2024
Customizable Organizer of the Teachers in Sneakers 2023-2024
Customizable Organizer of the Teachers in Sneakers 2023-2024
Customizable Organizer of the Teachers in Sneakers 2023-2024

Customizable Organizer of the Teachers in Sneakers 2023-2024

Original title : L'organiseur personnalisable des maîtresses en baskets 2023-2024
Publisher : HATIER
Author : Anaïs Proy and Nina Raynal
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 244
219 x 297 mm
19.90 €

Content : The 2023-2024 organizer for school teachers, 100% customizable, by Nina and Anaïs "The Teachers in Sneakers".

More than a diary, it also offers files to create your diary, your annual program, your to-do list, to note essential information about your students, your colleagues...

And it is the first to address all functions of the school: teaching, management, coordination, replacement.

The perfect teacher's notebook for a Zen and organized return to school!

Possible to adapt it to a perpetual version instead of a yearly version.

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