Cat on a Book

So Dear To My Heart
So Dear To My Heart
So Dear To My Heart
So Dear To My Heart
So Dear To My Heart

So Dear To My Heart

Original title : Si Chères à mon coeur
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Comics
Author : Anna Roy
Illustrator/Photographer : Stéphanie Rubini
Format : Paperback
Pages : 160
172 x 228 mm
21.95 €

Content : "My name is Anna, and I've been a midwife for 15 years. I can think of no profession more exhilarating, more demanding, fuller of contrasts, more wonderful than mine. Let me take you on a journey to meet the people who are so dear to my heart and whom I love so much: my patients. These stories, in the feminine plural, are the stories of each and every one of us, and they are also yours."

Anna Roy gives an intimate account of the encounters that have marked her path and made her the professional she is today. Through Stéphanie Rubini's sensitive and accurate sketches, she recounts the lives of women, mothers, couples and parents, their infinite joys, their disappointments and their immense pain. This gallery of portraits is a slice of life, a funny, suspended moment that is a little bit of each of us.

A collection of autobiographical stories in comic strip form, covering all the themes of women, couples, the patient-caregiver relationship and professional commitment.

In the same collection :