Cat on a Book

Education : The Challenge of Today's World
Education : The Challenge of Today's World
Education : The Challenge of Today's World
Education : The Challenge of Today's World

Education : The Challenge of Today's World

Original title : Éduquer : Défi du monde d'aujourd'hui
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Comics
Author : Noémie Fachan
Illustrator/Photographer : Noémie Fachan
Format : Paperback
Pages : 160
172 x 228 mm
21.95 €

Content : 17 original portraits questioning the education of children in today's society.

Looking after our children, helping them to grow, passing on values, raising awareness and opening their minds. Guiding them to become their full selves. Is there a magic formula, a miracle recipe for accomplishing this mission with flying colours? And without being overwhelmed, please!
Bringing up a child can be an endless source of wonder, but the road is littered with pitfalls...
How do you teach your daughter that she is free and powerful, when you struggle with sexism and prejudice on a daily basis? How do you teach your son to pay attention to others and express his emotions if the world tells him to be "a man, a real one"?
Follow Medusa, the Gorgon with her sharp pen and brushes, and explore the many questions and injunctions linked to education: gender equality, the burden of education, girls and boys’ different expectations... These 17 original portraits will be as many excuses to question ourselves, as adults, and the society we live in. And what if raising a child also meant raising ourselves?
In this new opus, 4 literary classics, the great novels of female emancipation, are examined and become the starting point for analysing the issues so that they can be better understood and overcome. Illustrated debates, in the form of pauses, punctuate the narrative and provide an opportunity to take a step back and compare different points of view. Because society is changing... and so is education!

Noémie Fachan created a character named Medusa, a modern Gorgon committed to gender equality and the status of women. On her Instagram account (114,000 followers), the heroine headdresses with snakes responds to the perfidious attacks of Perseus-Jean-Jacques, highlights women of yesterday and today, and illustrates testimonials given by her readers.

In the same collection :