Cat on a Book

Adults of Tomorrow – Let’s Offer the Best to our Children
Adults of Tomorrow – Let’s Offer the Best to our Children
Adults of Tomorrow – Let’s Offer the Best to our Children
Adults of Tomorrow – Let’s Offer the Best to our Children

Adults of Tomorrow – Let’s Offer the Best to our Children

Original title : Les adultes de demain - Offrons le meilleur à nos enfants !
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Parents' Side
Author : Stéphanie and Sylvie d’Esclaibes
Format : Paperback
Pages : 224
155 x 223 mm
16.95 €

Content : Every parents today want to give the best to their children. And that is precisely what Stéphanie and Sylvie d'Esclaibes - the creators of Adults of Tomorrow - do. Every week, this famous podcast with more than 500,000 listeners, welcomes the greatest specialists in the world of childhood. Isabelle Filliozat, Littlebunbao, Sonia’s Bath, Ève Herrman, Learning to educate, Tips for DYS, Arnault Pfersdorff… This book is a selection of valuable advice from these guests on all areas, from birth to teenage years: learning, nutrition, health, education, communication…
- Find a selection of 30 interviews with the most popular actors in the world of childhood: columnists, creators of content and educational tools, doctors, psychotherapists, teachers...
- Each of them is supported by a presentation of the guest, an analysis and a reference to the sites, works and social networks of each of them;
- An educational break punctuates each chapter and brings the expertise of the authors on each major theme to go further in the discovery of parenthood.
It is your turn to enter into the reflection on a new education, more fulfilling and adapted to the
needs of our children, the adults of tomorrow!

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