Cat on a Book

The Complete Guide to  Alternative Medicines
The Complete Guide to  Alternative Medicines
The Complete Guide to  Alternative Medicines
The Complete Guide to  Alternative Medicines

The Complete Guide to Alternative Medicines

Original title : Le grand guide des médecines douces pour petits et grands
Publisher : HATIER
Author : Manon Borderie
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 384
190 x 245 mm
25.95 €

Content : Far from being restricted to the well-known "grandmother's remedies", naturopathy has always proven itself useful. Today, more than ever, herbal teas, essential oils and other food supplements are making a place for themselves on our shelves. Even more, we are constantly reminded of the importance of sleep and food for our well-being, at all ages. Only one question remains: how to combine everything to take care of ourselves effectively?

This comprehensive guide includes more than 175 conditions and 100% natural solutions to remedy them. Whether you suffer from a simple mosquito bite, recurrent digestive disorders or a loss of voice, you will find, for each daily concern, alternative medicine solutions adapted to your needs and those of your family. Because this is indeed one of the major assets of this book: it is intended for everyone.
From childhood illnesses to pregnancy, not forgetting female and male disorders, all ailments are reviewed with solutions suitable for little ones and adults.

With a clear and airy layout, find for each sheet:
• the list of causes and symptoms in order to properly identify the disorder;
• all the remedies classified by naturopathic strategies, to determine which ones suit you best;
• advice and details from Manon Borderie, a passionate naturopath who shares her tips on her Instagram account @manon.naturopathe.

With this book, take care of yourself and your loved ones effectively and simply!

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