Cat on a Book

Grandpa’s Magpie
Grandpa’s Magpie
Grandpa’s Magpie

Grandpa’s Magpie

Original title : La pie de Papi
Publisher : HATIER
Author : Céline Kallmann
Illustrator/Photographer : Stéphanie Rubini
Age : 3+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 48
209 x 265 mm
14.95 €

Content : A very sweet story that recalls the importance of family ties and emphasizes the wonders of nature.

Little Grandpa is a loner. He loves his crosswords, a good tea and his lovely daughter and his grandchildren’s phone calls. One day, a magpie settles in his big tree, reminding him how good it is to have a friend... Grandpa and the magpie become inseparable. He brings it butter, she builds its little nest. Until tree-trimmers inadvertently come and cut the branch where the magpie is settled.
The magpie disappears and Grandpa returns to his usual routine. But it no longer has the same flavor. He decides to go get some fresh air by visiting his daughter and grandchildren. There, a wonderful surprise awaits him: his magpie has settled there, and had babies.

A sweet and autobiographical story that recalls the importance of the ties that unite us and the value of the nature that surrounds us.

Céline Kallmann is a journalist, author and creator of podcasts. She talks about the news to parents every evening with her BFM TV podcast “Le titre à la une”, and tells stories to children through her podcast “Encore une histoire.”

Stéphanie Rubini is an illustrator and author of comic books and children's books. She illustrated articles in the magazines Causette, Le Monde des adolescents, Youpi, J'ai compris and Le Journal de Mickey. With Hatier, she published the “Mika and Zouzou” series and “My Words to Play With” series.

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