Cat on a Book

1 faith, 2 faiths, 3 faiths

1 faith, 2 faiths, 3 faiths

Original title : 1 foi, 1 foi, 3 foi
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Citizen in the Making
Author : Sylvie Girardet
Illustrator/Photographer : Fernando Puig-Rosado
Age : 6-9
Format : Paperback
Pages : 72
150 x 210 mm
7.20 €

Content : One "faith", two "faiths", three "faiths"...: there are several ways to believe in God.

Through the story of the extraordinary lives of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and Buddha, children will discover the main religions, beliefs and traditions.

This lively, simple and tender approach to discovering others allows the young reader to better understand religions and learn tolerance.

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