Cat on a Book

Long Live Civism!

Long Live Civism!

Original title : Vive le civisme !
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Citizen in the Making
Author : Sylvie Girardet
Illustrator/Photographer : Fernando Puig-Rosado
Age : 6-9
Format : Paperback
Pages : 72
150 x 210 mm
7.20 €

Content : A collection to train “budding citizens”, with themes around “Living together”.
This title features fables to provoke discussion on difficult topics.

Through 5 fables, the little chicks, the elephant, the mouse, the prankster monkeys and their sidekicks show us how solidarity, respect and politeness make this cohabitation possible and pleasant.

They invite us to respect the planet, help us discover the main institutions in a country, as well as human and children's rights.

An opportunity for young and old citizens to discuss and learn together.

Rights sold: Chinese simple.

In the same collection :