Cat on a Book

Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.
Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.
Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.
Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.
Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.
Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.
Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.
Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.

Kotchi Kotchi! Traveller’s guide to Japan.

Original title : Kotchi kotchi ! Le guide du voyageur au Japon
Publisher : Issekinicho
Collection : Travel guides
Author : Alexandre Bonnefoy & Delphine Vaufrey
Illustrator/Photographer : Alexandre Bonnefoy & Delphine Vaufrey
Format : Soft cover
Pages : 320
148 x 210 mm
21 €

Content : Japan is a fascinating country, which can confuse the traveler as the cultural shock is important. This complete guide is here to offer a clear approach of the country and its culture in order to organize your trip in the best conditions and to fully enjoy it.

You will find ideas for itineraries, detailed presentation of cities and villages, but also agendas so as not to miss the cherry blossoms, the festivals, and many others.

A guide designed to be used for many years.

Approved by the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO).

Cultural guide: Habits and customs, Gastronomy, folklore…
Practical guide: Organize your trip, Choosing your accommodation, Getting around
Cities guide: Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka… 38 villages & traditional districts
Agenda: 88 traditional festivals, 17 fireworks
Itinerary ideas: From 7 to 30 days all over Japan
Over 350 useful web links.

Already tested and approved by more than 46,000 travelers.
New updated edition June 2024!

Rights sold: Italian, Spanish, Ukrainian.

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