Cat on a Book



Original title : Frontières
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Special Issues
Author : Karim Ressouni-Demigneux
Illustrator/Photographer : Karine Maincent
Age : 8+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 64
240 x 320 mm
23.00 €

Content : How long have borders existed? Why do they separate us? Over time, notions of property,
state and country have evolved, always marked by questions about borders. This exceptional
non-fiction book examines the different aspects of borders to better understand their role
and importance, historically, geographically and sociologically. The text alternates between
information and focus, bringing both clarification and a touch of humor. Perfect for readers of
all ages looking for information and entertainment!

About the author: Karim Ressouni-Demigneux holds a doctorate in art history, specializing in the Renaissance. He works in a variety of fields: journalism, science and literature, especially for young people. He has travelled and lived all over the world, in China, Morocco, Brazil and Italy. His knowledge and open-mindedness were invaluable when it came to writing this text, as was his university experience, which brought the indispensable rigor to this work. He is also very sensitive to the style of the text, seeking to reinforce or illuminate the subject through language. This is his first collaboration with Kilowatt.

About the illustrator: A talented illustrator and graphic designer, Karine Maincent has traveled the world and lived in Benin for several years. In her illustrations, she meticulously places historical references and touches of humor that dress up and complement the text, giving it a new depth, precision and authenticity that this book needs. The illustrations provide cultural and societal references, making this title accessible to younger readers.

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