Cat on a Book

The Big Migration
The Big Migration
The Big Migration

The Big Migration

Original title : Les migrateurs
Publisher : Kilowatt
Collection : Special Issues
Author : Vincent Gaudin
Illustrator/Photographer : Karine Maincent
Age : 5+
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 64
240 x 170 mm
16.50 €

Content : Jojo and Jolie, two inseparable young geese, must leave their country, invaded by birds of doom. To avoid the plain hunters, they will have to flee through the mountains, with the help of smugglers. But the price to pay is high and they have to leave their parents behind. The journey is very dangerous and Jolie disappears in a snowstorm. Jojo reaches the South on his own and, after having searched for her in vain, he tries to go on with his life. But one day, he hears a familiar song, and discovers Jolie, safe and sound. Together, they endlessly ask about their home country, until a heron comes with good news: birds of many species gathered to chase the birds of doom away and geese are gradually coming back. It is time for Jojo and Jolie to go back to their family.

An overwhelming fable that recalls prominent and permanent issues.

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