Cat on a Book

Zouzou's Bath
Zouzou's Bath
Zouzou's Bath

Zouzou's Bath

Original title : Le bain de Zouzou
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Mika and Zouzou
Author : Laurence Dudek
Illustrator/Photographer : Stéphanie Rubini
Age : 3-5
Format : Hard cover
Pages : 24
150 x 154 mm
5.95 €

Content : Zouzou, Mika's cuddly toy, is all dirty. It must be washed, from the muzzle to the end of the paws.
With Mika, give him its bath!

Mika and Zouzou: Benevolent stories, specially designed by educational psychologist Laurence Dudek, to guide children from 3 to 5 years old and their parents in the first learnings of life.

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