Content : He was a sailor and sailed the seas: the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, the China Sea... He sailed according to the moods of the sea, humble like a child, proud like a captain. He didn't need anything else. But one day, at a time when the sky and the horizon still merge, he met her...
The sailor met the most beautiful of the waves, with her mother-of-pearl skin and silver hair. He fell passionately in love with her, but she disappeared. He searched for her as far as the abyss, where he sank. The waves saved him and they danced again and again... They drifted away from the sea and the sailor, drunk with love, imprisoned the young girl who was crying out for her freedom. Then, one night, she escaped. The sea turned into a ferocious ogress to free her daughter. Since then, the sailor has watched the sea day and night... But the daughter of the sea has never returned.
Discover Camille Claudel, The Waltz,
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