Cat on a Book

Small Yoga Sessions as a Family: 8 Rituals for a Serene Daily Life
Small Yoga Sessions as a Family: 8 Rituals for a Serene Daily Life

Small Yoga Sessions as a Family: 8 Rituals for a Serene Daily Life

Original title : Petites séances de Yoga en Famille : 8 rituels pour un quotidien serein
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - Well-Being Workshops
Author : Emilie Cuisinier
Illustrator/Photographer : Qu Lan
Category : Parenting
Format : Flexi-cover
Pages : 160
160 x 210 mm
10.90 €

Content : Practicing Yoga as a family allows us to meet our different needs and nourish the bond with our children. This book offers 8 Yoga sessions to do with them depending on the time of day.
1. 8 minutes of yoga to start the day well.
2. 10 minutes to recharge your batteries and find yourself after a long day
3. 6 rituals to be ready for a good night sleep
4. 5 activities to deal with everyday life unpleasant emotions
5. 3 games and 3 postures to develop the ability to concentrate
6. Games and acroyoga to improve confidence in oneself and in others
7. Cultivate creativity on a daily basis
8. Strengthen complicity while having fun

For each session:
Information for the parents and direct talk to the child through a tender and mischievous mascot
Warm-up or conditioning exercises through simple everyday actions
Step-by-step guided sequences illustrated by a recurring little hero and his companion
Games and ideas for daily practice

Find a serene and benevolent daily life again!

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