Cat on a Book

Girls and Boys - Same Education
Girls and Boys - Same Education
Girls and Boys - Same Education

Girls and Boys - Same Education

Original title : Filles, garçons - Pour une éducation non genrée et sans clichés
Publisher : HATIER
Collection : Parenting - 10 Keys
Author : Soline Bourdeverre-Veyssière
Category : Parenting
Format : Paperback
Pages : 80
110 x 168 mm
4.95 €

Content : One of the major concerns of our society is to educate children equally, both boys and girls. As we know, inequalities between girls and boys set in from an early age. The author shows a real desire for openness and respect for the sexes (and genders) by opening up reflection and the field of possibilities on respect and equality between them. An egalitarian society in which respect reigns supreme is, as a matter of fact, a less violent society.
This book contains:
Insights into the notion of gender, the pitfalls of stereotypes and clichés.
A multitude of effective and proven tips that complement these 10 keys to guide children and give them the tools to assume themselves and fully open up.

Rights sold: Spanish (worldwide).

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